Roses are for romance

How can developing countries escape poverty?

Ecuador produces the finest roses in the world, yet this is virtually unknown by the consumer. Germany is known for its cars, Italy for its design, France for it’s fashion, fragrances and food, the USA for technology and fast food. For countries, owning a category, not just the commodity or raw material that goes into it is an important step towards prosperity. Ideas and feelings are more profitable than things; things are commodities, feelings are priceless.

This means understanding customers. 95% or more of roses given as romantic gifts are bought by men. And recipients, (over 95% are women) do NOT want to see a convenience brand on a product that is sent to them to make them feel special! The industry needs a rethink.

Selling a commodity is a trap. Price competition is relentless. So how can farms free themselves?

  • Own the ideas, feelings and associations surrounding the product, not just the commodity or raw material

  • Shorten the distribution chain and use new technology

  • Serve the human being, leverage the motivational power of feelings

  • Deliver romance, not a commodity

Roses die and are soon forgotten along with the gesture. How can your customer be unforgettable?

And how can we make buying flowers apealing to men, not just an obligation or a custom?

What if roses came with an unforgettable book about a journey to the heart of the world where the world’s finest roses grow?

“Lots of guys have sent me flowers, but only one sent me Amorosa”.

This is a story about an artist-writer-adventurer who travelled up the Amazon river to find the place where the world’s finest roses grow.

Adventure; The masculine concept in romance.

In consultation with a large Dutch flower group, FEDEX and local packaging manufacturers I developed new, direct-to-consumer packaging and presentation concepts that keep the flowers cool, protected and ethylene free as well as impress the person receiving them.


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